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- /**
- * Lazarus Cryptography
- * We will use hybrid encryption when saving data to the database.
- * this should allow us to encrypt forms with the public key and only require the user to
- * enter their password when they want to retrieve a form.
- *
- * Both the public and private (RSA) keys should be kept in the database.
- * The public key is kept unencrypted, but the private key will be symetrically encrypted (AES)
- * using the users password.
- */
- /**
- * retrieve the public key from the lazarus database
- */
- Lazarus.loadPublicKey = function(){
- if (!Lazarus.Crypto.publicKey){
- var b64Key = Lazarus.db.getStr("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name = 'public-key'");
- if (b64Key){
- Lazarus.Crypto.publicKey = Lazarus.keyFromString(b64Key);
- }
- }
- return Lazarus.Crypto.publicKey ? true : false;
- }
- /**
- * attempt to load the private key
- */
- Lazarus.loadPrivateKey = function(password){
- if (typeof(password) === 'undefined'){
- password = Lazarus.loadPassword();
- }
- if (!Lazarus.Crypto.privateKey){
- var encb64Key = Lazarus.db.getStr("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name = 'private-key'");
- //we need to unencrypt the private key
- Lazarus.Crypto.isPasswordEntered = (password) ? true : false;
- var b64Key = Lazarus.Crypto.AESDecrypt(encb64Key, password);
- if (b64Key){
- Lazarus.Crypto.privateKey = Lazarus.keyFromString(b64Key);
- }
- }
- return Lazarus.Crypto.privateKey ? true : false;
- }
- Lazarus.unloadPrivateKey = function(){
- Lazarus.Crypto.isPasswordEntered = null;
- Lazarus.Crypto.privateKey = null;
- }
- Lazarus.initEncryptionKeys = function(){
- if (Lazarus.loadPublicKey()){
- //attempt to load the private key as well (this will fail if the user is not logged in, but thats ok)
- Lazarus.loadPrivateKey();
- return true;
- }
- else {
- //using setTimeout so that firefox can continue to load if we need to generate keys (eg first run)
- setTimeout(function(){
- //FRAK: key generation requires that a user is logged in to the Software Security Device (if they have a master password set!)
- //Bugger, this is exactly what we were trying to avoid with the hybrid encryption stuff in the first place!
- if (Lazarus.isMasterPasswordRequired()){
- Lazarus.openGenerateKeysDialog();
- if (Lazarus.reloadKeys()){
- Lazarus.enable();
- }
- }
- else {
- Lazarus.generateEncryptionKeys();
- Lazarus.enable();
- }
- }, 1);
- return false;
- }
- }
- Lazarus.reloadKeys = function(){
- Lazarus.Crypto.publicKey = null;
- Lazarus.unloadPrivateKey();
- Lazarus.loadPrivateKey();
- return Lazarus.loadPublicKey();
- }
- /**
- * generate the public/private key pair and save them to the database.
- */
- Lazarus.generateEncryptionKeys = function(){
- Lazarus.Crypto.generatingKeys = true;
- Lazarus.refreshIcon();
- //Key generation can take a long time (up to 30 seconds on an old machine)
- //so we'll do it in a background thread
- var keyPair = null;
- var generateKeysThreadComplete = false;
- var generateKeysThread = {
- run: function() {
- //perform work here that doesn't touch the DOM or anything else that isn't thread safe
- keyPair = Lazarus.Crypto.generateRSAKeyPair();
- generateKeysThreadComplete = true;
- }
- }
- var thread = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIThreadManager).newThread(0);
- thread.dispatch(generateKeysThread, thread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
- var currThread = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIThreadManager).currentThread;
- while (!generateKeysThreadComplete){
- currThread.processNextEvent(true);
- }
- if (keyPair){
- //now save to the database
- //keys have been generated, time to save them to the database.
- Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM settings WHERE name = 'public-key'");
- Lazarus.db.exe("INSERT INTO settings (name, value) VALUES ('public-key', ?1)", Lazarus.keyToString(keyPair.public));
- Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM settings WHERE name = 'private-key'");
- Lazarus.db.exe("INSERT INTO settings (name, value) VALUES ('private-key', ?1)", Crypto.AESEncrypt(Lazarus.keyToString(keyPair.private), ""));
- //and truncate the forms table as all previous forms will no longer be able to be decrypted
- Lazarus.emptyDB();
- }
- else {
- //FIXME: this is a FATAL error, user should be informed
- Lazarus.error("Failed to generate key pair!");
- Lazarus.disable();
- }
- Lazarus.Crypto.generatingKeys = false;
- Lazarus.reloadKeys();
- Lazarus.refreshIcon();
- }
- Lazarus.keyToString = function(key){
- return btoa(Lazarus.JSON.encode(key));
- }
- Lazarus.keyFromString = function(base64Str){
- return Lazarus.JSON.decode(atob(base64Str));
- }